Pontificating for Planets ~ 2 Apr 2019

At the end of this post, a useful process for your personal horoscope is included. To get there, though, some astrological backstory at the get-go serves our purposes.

In 1947 John Nelson, an RCA researcher, accidentally became a patron saint for astrology. While documenting short wave radio propagation anomalies atop a skyscraper in Manhattan, he concluded that solar activity direct corresponds to the heliocentric alignments between the planets in the solar system. Not only that, he discovered that any planet in strong angular relationship to the heliocentric nodes of any planet and to the perihelia/aphelia of any planet similarly impacted solar activity.

While Nelson’s work was about energy - as in the “out there” energetic vibrations stimulated by the Sun was news to many, those in the more subtle spiritual dimensions absolutely recognize that the chakras and ones aura directly respond to the energetic stimulation of the Sun, and per Nelson’s conclusions, the effects of planetary alignments, too. No brainer, right?

Nelson’s work did not cause collective consciousness to “get woke” regarding astrology or its usefulness. When the theory of how astrology works would come up at parties and such, “astrology is nonsense” enthusiasts reported with glee that an attending doctor (or midwife) at an infant’s birth had more gravitational influence on the newborn than Jupiter. That’s not true. I’ve done the math. So has Robert Hand. Dust off the theory of the Universal Gravitational Constant and the inverse square law, and you too, can do that math. Maybe there’s an app for that.

The next wave of proof that far-out cosmic energy affects our planet and everything on it, including humans, came in 1979. Three times during that year scientists detected the arrival of bursts from Soft Gamma Ray Repeaters (SGR). These bursts offer no advance announcement they are coming and remain entirely unpredictable. SGRs disrupt satellites, navigational equipment, and in recent years, cell phones. Should a person not believe that galactic sourced energy does not affect human behavior, all they need to do is observe the collective freak out when Twitter or Facebook go down during solar or cosmic energy outbursts.

Anyway, despite other SGR appearances in 1986, 1998, 2008, 2013, astrologers were slow to realize these energy effects, if they bothered with the news at all. Astrologers missed a chance to point out to the collective that our atmosphere does not shield us from universal effects as previously claimed by those of scientific belief.

Fast forward to real time. It was reported on SpaceWeather.com on 28 March that humans “may” possess the attribute of “magnetic reception.” Like other energetically evolved creatures such as honeybees, salmon, turtles, birds, whales, and bats, it is now believed humans can perceive geomagnetic storms, largely attributed to solar activity, which as John Nelson noted in 1947 has everything to do with planets and their respective angular relationships and those relationships to nodes and other notable orbital elements. How’s your internal compass working?

When humans are affected by geomagnetic activity, the alpha waves in the brain, associated with wakeful relaxation are suppressed. During intensified geomagnetic activity, typically spawned by the Sun in reaction to the planetary dance of the solar system, the human ability for visions of sugar plums, good thoughts, unicorns and rainbows diminishes. While the studies supporting the human magnetic reception concept is in the early going, it is concluded more such research is warranted. Ya think?

Okay, so what’s this all mean to anyone navigating the current uber-wacky times and celestial emanations influencing us? We realize astrology works. We understand we are part of the Universal energy, just as much as the aliens who look down on us from distant celestial vantages are subjected to those same or similar energies. We believe astrology works. A since departed astrological colleague, Joyce Wehrman, used to love to say when asked if she believed in astrology: “No.” Insert pauses for reaction hear. “I know it works.” Joyce was a Sagittarius, which brings us to . . .

Jupiter. Jupiter now transits Sagittarius, his classical home turf. One of the themes of Jupiter in Sag, people believe what they believe with philosophical fervor. Presumably the proof in the pudding and beliefs are based in experience, wisdom and viable theoretical predicates that have been proved. For the most part folks are non-convertible. Jupiter in Sag is a time in which the lines are drawn. They are drawn between right and wrong; blue and red; the world is flat, no it’s round - no, it’s a prolate spheroid. These days, lines are drawn even between truth and non truth. Jupiter’s still scratching his head on that one.

Jupiter encourages us all to recall that in the face of irrational proclamation by others of doctrines and beliefs you know simply can’t be true, those espousing such declarations actually believe them at some place in their being. A lot of the time the belief is emotional, so the inclination to assert logic, rational thought and building blocks of belief systems in an attempt to change minds need not apply.

Once relinquishing the urge to convert others to superior points of view - like the ones you hold, turn inward. What do you believe? What do you believe that you wish you didn’t? If belief systems fail to support your greatest agenda, step one is agree to and recognize and savor the thought you are wrong.

The next time the transiting Moon, aligns with, opposes, or squares your natal Jupiter, or apply all of the above (Jupiter does not acknowledge excess), you can engage in the process of shifting personal beliefs held that do not further. By applying any of the above lunar passages no one needs to wait more that a few days to get the sorting of beliefs happening. On one of these lunar transits to Jupiter, write down everything believe you have that you would like to be wrong about. If you don’t get them all in one go, no problem, use the next Moon to Jupiter tense aspect to repeat the process.

Why the Moon? Because beliefs held possess extreme emotional charge.

Got the things written down you wish to believe no longer? Awesome, tear up that sheet of paper and enjoy the process of tearing! At this point, if on biodegradable paper and if you’re not on a septic system, you can flush the scraps down the toilet. Alternatively, if no fire hazard is presented in doing so, you can burn them. You can also bury them. Can you simply throw them away? If you believe that completes the energy, yes.

Next, take a nice, fresh sheet of paper. Select a fine writing utensil. Write your creed. Write down everything you believe that effectively and enthusiastically guides your life - dogma free - with purposeful navigation toward your professional goals, emotional fulfillment and ultimate spiritual satisfaction.

Jupiter turns retrograde in eight days. Should one start this process before he reverses course? What do you think? Better, what do you believe? Jupiter believes sooner is better, so there’s that.